Another hard drive has crashed in my laptop.
While I am unable to recover my data, and will have to scrounge for replacement parts, I did come across a website with an interesting variety of Datacent.comFailing hard drive sounds.
51 minutes ago
The various scratchings of a guy that meows at people
and builds specailized electronics equipment.
yo cat man i did not know you had a bolg
do you remaber me? im jamesmax we founded newnewcanada togethter
yep sill got bad spelling
so what hapend? like I dont log on for a week and the server gone then one more week and the web page is gone too. hell it toke me this long just to fined out you had a bolg
about the blog its nice, i like the About Meow. lol
are you sill playing mincraft? I found a cool server call minelife it has cool mods like hunger and land claim the ip is
its lagy as hell for me right now but if is not for you log on head to old spawn then head N untill you see the big ass canada flag That my fort lol I have not log on to the server in sum time so I dont know wen they moved spawn or why
ok im starting to rambel on hope you get this
sy for spelling - jamesmax
I haven't been playing minecraft as much lately.
Mostly because I'm anticipating this computer quitting soon.
I'll be certain to visit your server once I have this replaced in a month or so.
thats grate in a month the updates they are doing sould be done cant wait to paly wif you agen
(There were more comments attached to this but an unfortunately un-intuitive UI resulted in them being deleted.)
yo snowcat!
dont know if your aver going to see this but the server i was talking about is now up and runing (the guy hou was makeing it left to help japan so it did not get done as fast as i thot as a new guy had to start over) but its working now and the hunger and land claim mods are working well the IP is log on anytime and see if im on. If you do join i can help you get started (food weps a claimed house) also the website blog thing is
and the main site is
hope to see you online -jamesmax
I'll visit soon.
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